In order to install WhatsApp and have it actively running on your PC or laptop, you need to download Bluestacks, an Android app player. The software is nothing but an Android emulator for Windows or Mac operating systems.
Once installed, start Bluestacks, initialise and bring you to the home screen with a few tabs on it. Now you need to install WhatsApp on Bluestacks. You will not find any icon for Google Play Store. You need to click on the ‘Search’ icon and simply type ‘whatsapp’. Below the search field, you will find a clickable link which states ‘Search Play for whatsapp’. Click on that link and you will be directed to the Google Play Store. Here you shall get a new window with a message to enable AppStore and App Sync. Click on continue, and feed in your Google account details to associate the Bluestacks with your Google account. Once done, you will be taken to the Google Play Store. Here you can find the WhatsApp app and download it. Once installed, hit the ‘Home’ button icon on the bottom left and start WhatsApp by clicking on the ‘WhatsApp’ icon.
In a few minutes, you should get an SMS from WhatApp stating ‘WhatsApp code 1XX-7XX’. The message will be unique to every phone number. After a few minutes, WhatsApp on the PC will give popup a field where you need to put in this verification code. Once done, WhatsApp is installed and you can start using WhatsApp with ease. If you get errors with SMS codes, you can choose to get a call from WhatsApp. Receive that call and an IVR from the other side will tell you your code. Write down that code and use it. WhatsApp has been successfully installed on your PC.
Apart from WhatsApp, Bluestacks can also be used to install and run your favourite apps and games. You can also run the Android apps and use them to test and confirm if you are happy with the application before you install it on your phone. You can install almost every app for Android on Bluestacks. Do note, there will be a few apps that are will not be compatible with Bluestacks. These could be due to hardware limitations (such as Skype, since you cannot use a camera with it), country limitations, handset compatibility, and alike.