ARTIST SINGH is the man who made the INDIAN'S proud, a multi-talented Punjabi boy, has successfully registerd in GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS for making the ’Longest painting by an individual’. The original name of Artist Singh is GURMEJ SNGH Orignally from,Panjab (INDIA). The name of his painting is "THE TRANSCENDENTAL". This ARTPRIZE was held in "Six Street Park" on the bank of Grand Rapids River Michigan USA. This competition was held on 14 september 2013.
Total Length:- 3767.4 yards, 3444.91 meters, and 2.14 miles
Height:- 4 feet
How many days it took to finish:- 38 days
We Sincerly thank MR. GURMEJ SINGH,for the time he gave for the questions Mr GURMEJ SINGH answered bellow...
Q1.What inspired you to make the longest painting in the world?
ANS. I have tried this attempt before in 1999 and failed miserably because of some miscreants who damaged my painting in full. I hate to leave things undone like that. Attempt like this requires good health and readiness. So felt the need to do it right now and could not wait no longer. I was totally inspired and wanted to test myself again.
Q2 How did"THE TRANSCENDENTAL" made a difference in your life?
ANS:-To transcend is to go to a higher level, to go above and beyond the ordinary. Transcendental knowledge is much higher than the knowledge of our mundane existence. I have named my painting “the transcendental” because this work is transcending me to another level of discipline— making the world’s longest painting in 38 days and working for 20 hours a day to do something that has never been done before. It was challenging at all levels-mental, physical and spiritual. Of course I am going to make some money of this project but it is not always about money. It is more about putting my self to test and pushing my own limits to the unknown is what makes difference in my life
ANS:-To transcend is to go to a higher level, to go above and beyond the ordinary. Transcendental knowledge is much higher than the knowledge of our mundane existence. I have named my painting “the transcendental” because this work is transcending me to another level of discipline— making the world’s longest painting in 38 days and working for 20 hours a day to do something that has never been done before. It was challenging at all levels-mental, physical and spiritual. Of course I am going to make some money of this project but it is not always about money. It is more about putting my self to test and pushing my own limits to the unknown is what makes difference in my life
Q3. Which hurdles did you face to execute "THE TRANSCENDENTAL"?
ANS:-The transcendental is an artistic pleasure hard to express in words.The creative forces overpowered my head; my plans changed why not do something beyond the ordinary—even bigger than needed. When I embarked this life-changing journey, I knew it won't be easy.
My goal was to complete the painting before the beginning of the ArtPrize on 18th September. I had 45 days to complete the painting. I did it in 38 days.I had to keep going with full force, work 20 hours day, suffered blisters on my hands and worked in all whether conditions. I did not worry about the paint but focused on the mission lying a head, I had to meet stringent Guinness standards to succeed, one of which was that the painting had to be displayed publically for the Guinness officials to see and measure.
A project of this nature needed support and encouragement of the authorities. In my case it was the non from the ArtPrize. I tried my best to get cooperation of the local authorities for this project. However, it was not easy. The Grand Rapids police refused to cooperate when they realized that ArtPrize did not want me to display the world's longest painting. Kevin Bust (Exhibition Director) threatened to ban me from the ArtPrize and the curator Clare Fox stopped me with all her power. They kept discouraging me and convincing me to change my plans but what had already started could not be stopped now and that is simply me.
The painting kept growing longer with each passing day. The length of the painting had not just broken the world record but surpassed it by many meters. The authorities refused to cooperate and nothing was working in my favor. I decided to display the painting without permission. I was ready to pay all the punitive damages if there were any. I decided to abandon the park all together and displayed this giant monster all over the city.
The painting went over the bridges, over the loading locks, by the river fishing area, underpasses, over the steps, under the steps, under the bridges, public walk ways, through the museum, via the art school, through the luxury hotels, private properties and more. This monster was so long that it caught everyone’s attention and won admiration.
ANS:-The transcendental is an artistic pleasure hard to express in words.The creative forces overpowered my head; my plans changed why not do something beyond the ordinary—even bigger than needed. When I embarked this life-changing journey, I knew it won't be easy.
My goal was to complete the painting before the beginning of the ArtPrize on 18th September. I had 45 days to complete the painting. I did it in 38 days.I had to keep going with full force, work 20 hours day, suffered blisters on my hands and worked in all whether conditions. I did not worry about the paint but focused on the mission lying a head, I had to meet stringent Guinness standards to succeed, one of which was that the painting had to be displayed publically for the Guinness officials to see and measure.
A project of this nature needed support and encouragement of the authorities. In my case it was the non from the ArtPrize. I tried my best to get cooperation of the local authorities for this project. However, it was not easy. The Grand Rapids police refused to cooperate when they realized that ArtPrize did not want me to display the world's longest painting. Kevin Bust (Exhibition Director) threatened to ban me from the ArtPrize and the curator Clare Fox stopped me with all her power. They kept discouraging me and convincing me to change my plans but what had already started could not be stopped now and that is simply me.
The painting kept growing longer with each passing day. The length of the painting had not just broken the world record but surpassed it by many meters. The authorities refused to cooperate and nothing was working in my favor. I decided to display the painting without permission. I was ready to pay all the punitive damages if there were any. I decided to abandon the park all together and displayed this giant monster all over the city.
The painting went over the bridges, over the loading locks, by the river fishing area, underpasses, over the steps, under the steps, under the bridges, public walk ways, through the museum, via the art school, through the luxury hotels, private properties and more. This monster was so long that it caught everyone’s attention and won admiration.
Q4.How did you manage with the controversies?
ANS:-I don’t plan these controversies. They just come knock my door. I open my door to say hi and bye and continue with my business.
Q5. What do you like beside painting?
ANS.I like to read good books, research papers and watch meaningful movies. I like active lifestyle, I love sports-- lately I have been doing lot of water skiing, tennis, soccer.If I have time I work on my acting. One day I would like to make a movie.
Q6. How do you feel now after making this extraordinary record?
ANS.The battle had been won. The world’s longest painting had been created, Guinness World Record was achieved and, the city of Grand Rapids had just witnessed history!I feel good…I think I did something worthwhile in these 38 days
Q7. What would you like to say to our youngsters?
ANS.Trust your self is the first step to success. Follow your dreams and do what you are best at. When road a head becomes difficult don’t give up, get up there is a way out. Be strong to face adversities and failure both leads a path to success. Celebrate little successes, its positive reinforcement and a check point to prepare you for your next step.
ANS:-I don’t plan these controversies. They just come knock my door. I open my door to say hi and bye and continue with my business.
Q5. What do you like beside painting?
ANS.I like to read good books, research papers and watch meaningful movies. I like active lifestyle, I love sports-- lately I have been doing lot of water skiing, tennis, soccer.If I have time I work on my acting. One day I would like to make a movie.
ANS.The battle had been won. The world’s longest painting had been created, Guinness World Record was achieved and, the city of Grand Rapids had just witnessed history!I feel good…I think I did something worthwhile in these 38 days
Q7. What would you like to say to our youngsters?
ANS.Trust your self is the first step to success. Follow your dreams and do what you are best at. When road a head becomes difficult don’t give up, get up there is a way out. Be strong to face adversities and failure both leads a path to success. Celebrate little successes, its positive reinforcement and a check point to prepare you for your next step.