Smartphones are happening. The next breed of devices that are changing our lives are the soul mates of the people in this age. Thanks to Steve Jobs and the first iphone, smartphones are the new trend nowadays. Most of us still treat our smartphone like our old mobile phones which only let us make calls and play 'Snake'. Smartphones are supposed to be treated smartly and if you just follow the steps below, you can as well treat our smartphone smartly.
As mentioned earlier, viruses are everywhere in the Internet. So while accessing internet from your smart guy, it may suck in some viruses.They may enter through a browser, not just any browser, a bad browser with very less security. So installing a smart browser will help you though a great start from getting away from these malwares.
Always buy an antivirus that is good. Go to sites line www.Cnet.com to check the reviews of anti-virus and then only buy it. Don't just buy an anti-virus out just from the wind. Remember 'less money, more work'
Nowadays, there are a lot of fake antiviruses in the market. Yeah! You read that right, fake antivirus.These fake anti-viruses tell you that they can be downloaded it for free which is true. Now, they don't kill viruses they make viruses. So beware of these types.
1..Back up your data :
Backing up your data simply means keeping a duplicate data of all the data in your smartphone. There are many viruses on internet nowadays that can just blast off your smarty pants to heaven. So if you keep a backup, then you can just not make a big deal out of it as you've a backup.
2..Know if you need the smartphone :
Mostly, as a matter of fact, all the smartphones have the power of multitasking, which basically means that you can run many applications all at once. While this is an advantage for many, it is a disadvantage of some of us. Mostly, we forget to shut down the applications which we've used and use some other applications. While on the background, the other application is running and we are not using it, it'll only take the juices out of the smartphone. For example, many of us switch on the Bluetooth or WiFi search even though we not need it at that particular moment. So quick note: Shut down the applications correctly after using them.
3..Browse in a smart way :
Smartphones are commonly used for accessing the internet than making calls so that calls for a good internet browser that can make our internet experience much more better. While it is obvious that smartphones are supposed to come with a smart browser, most of them don't. So always install a smart browser in your smart phone. Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox, UC Browser may be some guys that can help you get through it.
As mentioned earlier, viruses are everywhere in the Internet. So while accessing internet from your smart guy, it may suck in some viruses.They may enter through a browser, not just any browser, a bad browser with very less security. So installing a smart browser will help you though a great start from getting away from these malwares.
4..Try an antivirus :
If you are security conscious and still don't trust your smart browser from protecting you from the viruses, just install an anti-virus in your smartphone. Anti-virus for smartphones are spreading like wildfire so you should get yourself one too.
Always buy an antivirus that is good. Go to sites line www.Cnet.com to check the reviews of anti-virus and then only buy it. Don't just buy an anti-virus out just from the wind. Remember 'less money, more work'
Nowadays, there are a lot of fake antiviruses in the market. Yeah! You read that right, fake antivirus.These fake anti-viruses tell you that they can be downloaded it for free which is true. Now, they don't kill viruses they make viruses. So beware of these types.
5..Don't keep strangers in contact list :
Most of us have a list of tons and tons of people in our contact list. Long Story Short: Just delete all the contacts of people to whom you are never going to contact. It's a waste of very little amount of space on your device and it also make your contact list a little longer, which can make it harder for you to search for other contacts.
6..Clean your smartphone :
After all the inner details and giving much power to your device from inside, now look at the outer side. Your smartphone is always vulnerable to all those dusts and pollution which can damage your smart phone from inside. So you need to clean them too.
7..Know about black markets :
Black markets.. what are they? In simple worlds, they are just these fake markets, that's all. As a smartphone user you must have come across an app market or the famous store icon in your smarty boy's face. That store is the place where you download new apps, songs wallpapers, etc on your smartphone. And these 'black markets' are also those type of markets. No won't charge you extra money to download stuffs, they make you download stuffs for free even, but beware, these black markets also send a viruses in that thing you're downloading which can make your smartphone dumb.
Beware of these things to keep your smartphones updated and secure.