The Heart is an astoundingly faithful creation of nature. Its gentle thumping accompanies us for the duration of our lives Heart is an important function of our body, Each heartbeat pushes blood along a one-way path, through increasingly narrow arteries leading away from the heart, across the intricate networks of capillary beds in tissues, and into increasingly wide veins that eventually return the blood to the heart.
Heart disease or Cardiovascular disease is an abnormal function of the heart or blood vessels. It can cause an increase in risk for heart attack, heart failure, sudden death, stroke and cardiac rhythm problems, thus resulting in decreased quality of life and decreased life expectancy. So its our duty to protect your heart, lets focus on so food tips that make our heart more healthy.

According to the research of Journal of the American Heart Association people who drank 2 to 3 cups of green tea daily had a 14% lower risk of stroke and those who had at least 4 cups had a 20% lower risk, compared to those who rarely drank it.
A raer compaund called Catechins found in green tea. Catechins have an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, increasing the anti-clotting ability of the body. Make the most of it: Drink green tea hot, without added sugar, or as iced green tea.
Studies indicate that regular consumption of extra-virgin olive oil can help reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. also good for:
Lowering blood cholesterol. If you use olive oil regularly in your food then the risk of heart attack reduce automatically.
Its Allicin content helps relax blood vessels, smoothen blood (and oxygen) flow and reduces pressure on the
heart. also good for: Reducing hardening of arteries
heart. also good for: Reducing hardening of arteries
While chopping onions may make you cry, their considerable cardiovascular benefits should bring a smile through your tears. The more pungent and 'redder' the better, due to quercetin, an antioxidant that reduces BP also good for: Phytochemicals, folate and potassium for heart health.
According to studies (some of them I have mentioned below) turmeric helps in maintaining heart health by – reducing cholesterol oxidation, reducing plaque build-up, clot formation, reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), reduce pro-inflammatory response, etc.
Heart attack caused by atherosclerotic plaque buildup or high cholesterol levels. This plaque buildup leads to blood clots being formed and when a single clot breaks off from arterial walls and travels to the brain or heart, it can cause a stroke or heart attack.
Studies have found that turmeric could reduce the adhesive abilities of blood platelets, thereby preventing them from forming clots. It can also relax blood vessels and minimize heart damage after suffering a heart attack.

Heart attack caused by atherosclerotic plaque buildup or high cholesterol levels. This plaque buildup leads to blood clots being formed and when a single clot breaks off from arterial walls and travels to the brain or heart, it can cause a stroke or heart attack.
Studies have found that turmeric could reduce the adhesive abilities of blood platelets, thereby preventing them from forming clots. It can also relax blood vessels and minimize heart damage after suffering a heart attack.
Punicalagins, compounds found only in pomegranates, That made the cholesterol lower also good for Lowering blood pressure and reducing arterial hardening.

Fenugreek has a strong modulating effect on blood lipid levels and can substantially reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. Fenugreek is the reduction of platelet aggregation which, in turn, dramatically reduces the risk of abnormal blood clotting associated with heart attacks and strokes.
Fenugreek also contains many important antioxidants and has the added benefit of protecting other dietary and internally produced antioxidants from free-radical damage.
This has important cardioprotective benefits, as well as helping to fortify the body against a range of other chronic conditions.
So these are some awesome Food Habits by which you can avoid the Heart Diseases, So Do share this with as many peoples you can, As your one share may help someone to be aware. Also if you know something new about it then please leave comments below.