Teachers leave a huge impact on their students. If we keep the academics aside, every teacher has a quirk and guess who notices it first…of course the students!
Here is a list of stereotypical portrayal of teachers according to the subject they taught. Let’s go down the memory lane and enjoy some smiles along the way.
Here is a list of stereotypical portrayal of teachers according to the subject they taught. Let’s go down the memory lane and enjoy some smiles along the way.
- 1....The hoity-toity English teacher speaking with an accent that all boys used to make fun of but also had a secret crush for – deep inside their heart.
- 2....The extremely old world economics teacher who could potentially fall over at any time. For some reason these subject experts – no matter in which school you go – were always ancient. And not to forget, kind hearted too!
- 3....That school headmaster or college dean who was always on a surprise inspection in his/her school premise.
- 4....That Hindi teacher who was always found knitting and sewing in the classroom.
- 5....That music teacher who was always seen mixing ‘sur’ and ‘taal’ in his talks!
- 6....That maths teacher who was always found throwing chalks and dusters at inattentive students but then again, it was our fault – we always sucked in calculations, didn't we?
- 7....That temporary teacher who, for some reason, was everybody’s favourite.
- 8....Dance teacher walking and talking in an effeminate manner and screaming “Kamar Lachkao”!!!
- 9....And not to forget, that eccentric Chemistry teacher expecting everybody to have learnt periodic table by heart.
- 10....That sports teacher who was always mad at his students indiscriminately for not being energetic enough and we all hated him with all our heart for that reason. We hated him for making us perform various physical activities against our will, all of which – as we didn't know back then – hold an important place in our lives.
We are sure that you definitely got the names of your teachers after reading the article...LOL...!!! Do you have any silly incident related to your teachers, if yes, then you can share with us.