Remember those days when you use to spent couple of hours a day in sitting in front of computer screen to have a chat with your friends. Likewise, to reply for an email you had to use computer every time.Now smart phones and tablets are used. With the help of tablets and smart phones all tasks performed on computer can be done easily.But still for writing long stories, watching movies, computers are used.
As television, set top box, have remote to access, then there is definitely an option for accessing the computer with remote.If you are having a smartphone, then you can access your computer as well as laptops from any part of the world and this is simply called as REMOTE CONTROLLED COMPUTING.This requires a good internet connection .
As television, set top box, have remote to access, then there is definitely an option for accessing the computer with remote.If you are having a smartphone, then you can access your computer as well as laptops from any part of the world and this is simply called as REMOTE CONTROLLED COMPUTING.This requires a good internet connection .
This app can work well with multiple platforms like android and windows smartphones and with various computer's operating systems like windows, linux, and iOS as well.Its very easy to setup this app.
First download this app into your smartphone and download a small server program in your PC form its website - unifiedremote.com .Then connect your smartphone and PC with the same Wi-Fi network.This app will scan network for your active PC.After that you can search or browse folders and also with the help of touchscreen of smartphone you can access internet and web services and can see videos on PC.
This app help you to connect with your PC from anywhere.You can control your computer on Wi-Fi network of your home.Even if you are outside your home, still you can stream photos and movies stored in your smartphone on PC.And this is possible due to the anywhere access pack of this app.Its a paid service.This service will need a strong 3G connection.For this you have to download one app in your smartphone and one server program into your PC.You also need to create a splashtop account.You will get password protection service for free but the encryption service is a paid one.
This app for android smartphones is free and easy to use.For getting this you must have Chrome browser in your PC and an google account.Chrome desktop remote extension is also must for browser.Then you have to give permission to extension to access your PC.Then you can open app in your phone and start working.You can also use home network in option to mobile connectivity.Its interface is user-friendly because it runs desktop with Chrome.
Microsoft desktop app is available for android and ios.For this app you do not have to make any account.You just have to enable a feature named "Remote Connections".For this, go to the control panel and in that "system security", then go to "system" Then click on "remote settings".Then you can permission to remote connections to configure and and have access.Type PC name or IP address and permit it.
This latest technology will surely help you to access or control your computer from anywhere in the world.Are these apps helping you..?? Share your reviews for the above apps with India Forbes.