



All the women who want to be fit themselves and all the men who want to protect their house women from all the diseases, pay attention here because here INDIA FORBES providing you , how to prevent the ladies from these diseases.
                        women's place can't be replaced in the house whether they are a working women or a housewife. A women handle the whole house, she takes care the needs of  everybody in the house, so a good health of women is also necessary. So lets check out the diseases related with the women and their prevention.

Gallstones mainly cause gallbladder diseases, gallstones very in sizes some time it is very small and some time it is very big .Basically gallstone move the parts of digestive system and because of this an unbearable pain start.

 It is basically 80% form when the liver produces more cholesterol and the 20%are composed of calcium and an orange-yellow waste product.


The main symptoms of this diseases is a pain started in chest , back or between the shoulders. when you have some fatty food its not digested properly, you always feel a low fever , some time you feel so much of chilling in the body and sometime you feel sweaty all over the body.The main problem of this diseases is the indigestion when you have food most of the time you do vomiting. The gas problem is always occur in the body.

Basically women have to control their anger in this disease. they have so much bitterness in their nature because a bitter greenish-brown alkaline fluid which aids digestion and is secreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. when  insulin, cholesterol and estrogen increase in the body at high level then this occur in the body so women have to having low calories food to loose more cholesterol.


Migraine is basically a headaches that occurs a single side of head , Its affecting one half of the head and pulsating lasting from 2 to 72 hours . The pain that occurs in the head is just unbearable. a transient visual, sensory, language, or motor disturbance which signals that the headache will soon occur.



The pain occur in the in three phases like 

  • prodrome that occurs before the headache 
  • aura proceeds at the time of headache 
  • postdrome at the end of migraine
If you have a headache more than 2 to 3 days and it is not be going after taking medicine then you should check this with a good doctor.


This can be prevent by having medicine to control the headache like propranolol,divalproex/sodiumvalproate,topiramate and metoprolol. A tharapy of acupuncture is also useful in this diseases . But this therapy should be regular therapy.There are some more way to prevent it trigger avoidance, acute symptomatic control, and pharmacological prevention .

kidney infection*Kidney infection*

kidney infection occur due to the infection glomerulonephritis and bacterial pyelonephritis , Acute glomerulonephritis usually follows a streptococcal infection of the respiratory tract and Acute glomerulonephritis is an inflammatory disease involving the renal glomeruli of both kidneys.


kidney infection You always have a pain in your body like  in your side , lower back and also around  your genitals.You are not  having your proper appetite, feeling super tired and getting week day  by day. The  temperature of your body is always high.

 Having liquid all the day lke having plenty of water will clean the bacteria . having Carnberry Juice, it may also cure. change your diet process like add fibre 20- 30gms  a day.

So above mentioned diseases are the most common diseases what women suffers,So INDIA FORBES has covered this topic in order to aware all of you from such diseases, So that it can be lot beneficial for all the women around us.

So if you know something more about this topic. Then please do share with us. You can contact us as well as comment below with your suggestions.


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